
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday, November 22

This blog has become neglected.
I'm gonna start it again, but now only once a week.

So...what did I do this week?


  • Robotics Meeting
  • Physics and French Tests
  • Presentations of C&C Projects
Aaaaaaaaaand that's about it.


  • Robotics Meeting
We talked about Kickoff and the next few meetings. Then Electrical and Programming started to work on the Test Board and in making a Raspberry Pi Slideshow and a Raspberry Pi Data Informer Thingy. I worked on coding the Test Board and setting up the Pi's.
  • Physics and French Tests
Self explanatory, I took some tests. I studied a bit.
  • Presentations of C&C Projects
We presented our projects. I thought that my friend Rohan's was good, and so was the Hades group. We were Poseidon and Polyphemus.

Weird thing:

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