
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday, July 16

Today, I had more Chemistry.
We had a lab today. The things you need for the lab are:

  • Sodium Hydroxide (dissolved)
  • Copper (II) Nitrate (dissolved)
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Hot Plate
  • 400 mL Beaker
  • 250 mL Beaker
  • 50 mL Graduated Cylinder
  • Aluminum (granulated)
The instructions are mostly in here, but some parts are a bit different. Here is the brief version.
  1. Get some NaOH and some C(NO4)2
  2. Pour NaOH into C(NO4)2. The solution will turn bluer and form a precipitate.
  3. Add some water to the solution.
  4. Put the solution onto a hot place and set to 7-10. Mix until the solution turns black.
  5. Wait for the solution to settle. You will see a black layer settled and a layer of water.
  6. Filter out the water to leave the black stuff.
  7. Add HCl to the black stuff. Swirl. The black stuff will turn blue.
  8. Add some Aluminum. Wait one day. The aluminum will turn red and the liquid will turn grayish.
That was the experiment we did today.

Weird thing:
We actually did the last one yesterday :D

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