Today, I presented my French project. Actually, I listened to other people present their projects, I didn't actually get a chance to present mine. The topic was to make a presentation about a day in the life of (insert person). My friend Srikar did himself. Ian did something about a king's servant? It was in a play called The King and I. Sindhura and Mannal both did Sam (still don't understand WHY), and I (naturally) chose our french class's imaginary turtle, Franklin.
The science project is due on Wednesday. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Since the emoticons on one of my other posts was an utter fail, I shall post some text emoticons here.
Actually, I'm too lazy to look for any, and when I find one and copy-paste it, it looks weird like this:
:-) :) :D :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ)
Since my 15 minutes is up, I'm going to end this here.
Weird thing:
Your presentation about the turtle is pretty interesting. It is too bad you did not get a chance to present it :(