
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 14

Tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday. Me and my brother made her a picture frame. It's made of wood. I burned some designs onto it. I think it looks pretty good.

I went to driving class today. Today, we did long distance driving, and I got my first taste of driving on a highway. It wasn't too bad, and I'm proud to say that I was only partially scared out of my wits.

Retainers are annoying. You have to take them out whenever you eat, and then you have to remember to put it back on. When you leave it out for a while, it starts to stink so you have to clean it. When you put it in your mouth, you can ignore it, but you have to take it out again whenever you eat, even if its a snack. The vicious cycle of retainer care.

Well, that's all for today (cuz I cant think of anything else). Here's the weird thing:


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