
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday, July 4

Happy fourth of July!
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   Happy     / ____  _|  th

Today, we went water tubing. It was in the city Todd. The place was called River Girl Fishing Co. The place was very interesting. There was a pig and two dogs. There were also two cats.
We went river rafting on the oldest river in the whole state. We were all in plastic tubes. Two of us had sticks to push off the shores. It was pretty fun. There were many times where we got stuck on the shore and had to push the raft off. The water in the river was very cold, but we got used to it after a while. Nicholas fell asleep halfway through, but he got woken up when we ran into a tree. Many people also fell off their tubes and fell into the cold water.
Right now we are going to go to a Japanese restaurant.
Weird thing: some random picture

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