
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24

Today there was no school AGAIN. What fun. I did get to play outside in the snow, though, and that was pretty fun. I made a big snowball, broke it, got buried in snow (and cleared all the snow off our neighbor's front yard in the meantime), and then came home and watched Spongebob Squarepants. I also (sadly) finished all of the books I got at the library. Darn it, now I have no books to read. Good thing Ranger's Apprentice 9 is on hold at the library! But since we're snowed in, we can't go to the library, and the book is going away in (just checked) four days! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to put it on hold again.
My friend Alex has agreed to play Hearthstone sith me. Even though he still didn't accept my friend request, He will soon (or I will yell very loudly at him). Also, Kunal, Dhruuv, and I are playing League together now.
Well, that's it for today, and, because I usually put something weird or cool here:

[̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝓲͕̲͗̅]̲̅ ̲̅ [̲͕̲̅͗̅͠ℒ͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝓲͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝓚͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝒆͕̲͗̅]̲̅ [̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝓬͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠ℋ͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝒆͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝓔͕̲͗̅][̲͕̲̅͗̅͠𝔃͕̲͗̅]

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