
Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February 20

Today, school has been cancelled. It is cancelled because of snow. Even though there is no school I would rather go to school than stay at home right now. There is nothing to do at home and it is quite boring. 

And now, a log on my brother, Nicholas:

  • He is playing with blocks.
  • He is still playing with blocks.
  • He connects a red block to a blue one.
  • He connects an orange block to a blue one.
  • He connects a connector block on a blue block
  • He asks if I am writing about him.
  • He says "Tell me or die."
  • He pretends to shoot me with the block thing he made.
  • He picks up a spherical toy and starts to play with it.
  • He watches me make a log about him.
  • He laughs.
  • He laughs again.
  • He continues playing with his spherical toy.
OK, this is very uninteresting so I am going to stop.
I have just finished my Social Studies project yesterday. I needed to write THREE PAGES about World War II. 

Now my brother is playing with a remote controlled car and trying to shoot a dinosaur.

Lets test out some of Blogger's options!

This is a quote.
This is a link.

That was a jump break.
This ends my first post.

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