
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday, June 23

Today, I tried to migrate this blog to Github Pages with Jekyll. It failed. Horribly. Everything I did didn't work. Oh, well. I guess I'll try again next time.

I went to the DMV to get my learner's permit today. The line was massive. We had to wait there for four hours! Looks like the sloth analogy wasn't too far off. In the end, though, I got my permit! I can drive now!

That's all I did today. I also finished all my work.

Weird thing:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday, June 22

Today, I turned in my driver's ed form. It turns out that I need to go to the DMV and take a written test before I can drive. I'm going to do it tomorrow. I need to study the booklet that I got from Driver's Ed. I heard the DMV is really slow though...

I also had badminton class today. We learned how to dive for the shuttle.

I finished all my work today. 

Weird thing:

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tuesday, June 21

Today was another normal day. I was kinda sick, so I didn't feel too good. I hope I can get better tomorrow.

Nicholas went to the swimming pool today. I didn't swim (because I was sick) and folded some origami instead.

I finished all my work today.

I'm going to get my driving permit tomorrow (or something like that)

Yep, that's it.

Weird thing:

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday, June 20

I didn't write my blog yesterday, so here is an overview of what I did:
  1. Did some work at home
  2. Played some video games
  3. Watched the NBA Finals
The Cavaliers won the Finals. We watched the game at my friend's house. It lasted a very long time, and we went back home at 11.

That's about it.

Today was another normal day. I did my homework, and read some books. I did have a really bad stomachache though. It started in the morning and lasted until about 3:00. I also got my passport picture taken.

Weird thing:

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18

Today, we went to the Natural Science museum. It was pretty fun. We saw a lot of fish, did some science experiments, and learned some cool stuff. The special exhibit today was the American Adventure Maze. You took a board that had some information on the vitals of a certain person, and then you went on an adventure. You got to choose your own path and each choice will affect your statistics. It was pretty fun. Here is what the boards looked like:

Labels from left to right: Health, Food, Wealth, Morale
When one of the beads got to 0, "Yer Dead!" This was my board. Obviously, I survived with lots of wealth and morale. Nicholas, on the other hand, died from a snake bite.

Weird thing:

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17

Today, I didn't do anything special.

I did my work, read some stuff, played some games, and went to art class. A normal day.

After reading my past posts, I noticed that I haven't been doing Nicholas Watch lately. Hmmmm...

A new episode of Nicholas Watch!
Setting: The computer room
Target: Nicholas

  • He is sitting at the computer writing his blog.
  • He eats his fruit snack
  • He yells something incomprehensible to me
  • He walks to me
  • He reads what I am typing
  • He laughs
  • He laughs more
  • He laughs even more
  • And more
  • He farts
  • He says "Ew!"
  • He farts again
  • He laughs
And on that happy note, we will end Nicholas Watch. Stay tuned for more!

Weird thing:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday, June 16

So my brother got this really hard math problem. Well it wasn't THAT hard, it was just tedious. The problem goes like this:

How many combinations of coins can you use to make 60 cents?

At first, it seems like an easy problem, but on further inspection, things change. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the numbers (I checked it on a computer program) and there are many different combinations. The most mind-boggling fact is that this problem was on a fifth grade practice test. It took around 20 minutes for my dad to brute force it. The answer (if you were so interested) is 72.

I tried to add markdown to blogger. Lets see if this works:

...tests Markdown...

Nope. It didn't work.

Maybe next time?

Weird thing: